Childrens Rights, Community Care Solicitors & Lawyers

Our Public Law and Human Rights Solicitors will challenge unlawful decisions or actions that concern the welfare of children as laid out in the Children Act

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Our Public Law and Human Rights Solicitors specialise in community care and children’s rights, assisting children and young people in care, care leavers, vulnerable migrants and families with disabled children in challenging unlawful decisions taken by Local Authorities related to their accommodation and support.

Decisions made by Local Authorities can have a huge impact on the people who rely on their services. We specialise in advising on and bringing judicial review claims to challenge unlawful decisions made by Local Authorities, ongoing failures or refusals to act as well as challenging unlawful policies operated by Local Authorities.

TrustpilotStarsWe're ratedExcellent

How we can Help

Children Act Work

Our Public Law and Human Rights Solicitors will challenge unlawful decisions or actions that concern the welfare of children as laid out in the Children Act. Our solicitors have the expertise to:

  • Assist homeless teenagers (including those leaving custody) to obtain safe accommodation and appropriate support.
  • Ensure care leavers are given the support they are entitled to.
  • Assist migrant care leavers in accessing accommodation and support.
  • Challenge age assessment
  • Assist children and young people affected by county lines.
  • Act for migrant families who need access to support from social services.
  • Assist with claims for compensation against local authorities where children and young people weren’t given proper care and whose human rights were breached.
  • Advise families with disabled children on their entitlement to support – our Education Law Solicitors can also assist with any education issues.
  • Assist in advising and representing parents and carers in care proceedings with our Childcare Team.

Care Act Work

Our Public Law and Human Rights Team specialise in challenging the care provided for migrants in the UK without settled status including those who may be entitled to accommodation and support under the Care Act 2014.

For our work representing victims of trafficking and assistance with asylum support, see our Public Law Judicial review work for more information.

If this doesn’t apply to you and you have a family member or loved one who lacks capacity to make important decisions for themselves, our Court of Protection Team can help you.

For support in recovering care home fees or advice on NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding, get in touch with our Care Homes Team.

Top Rated by Our Clients for Public Law Claims

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Why Choose Simpson Millar?

Our expert Public Law and Human Rights Solicitors have years of experience in bringing judicial review proceedings. We specialise in and are passionate about assisting our clients in securing justice and accessing the services they are entitled to.

We also specialise in bringing challenges to unlawful policies being operated by Local Authorities which are affecting individual clients or a group of individuals.


We have a Legal Aid Agency contract in community care and most of the work we do is publicly funded. We can advise on whether clients are eligible for legal aid or not and explore alternatives such as fixed fee advice, no win no fee agreements and crowd funding.

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