Court of Protection

Jane Betts

Senior Paralegal


Areas of Expertise:

Jane is in our Court of Protection department assisting the team with representing parties in respect of capacity disputes, best interests and section 21a appeals against Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). Some of these cases often address complex issues such as residence, care, sexual relations, contact, medical decisions and deprivations of liberty.

Prior to joining the firm, Jane worked as an IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocate) and Care Act advocate. In her role as paid RPR (Relevant Person’s Representative) Jane regularly instructed solicitors to challenge the standard authorisations of those adults objecting to being deprived of their liberty. This role has given Jane a wealth of experience of working with vulnerable adults to ensure that their wishes and feelings are heard as well as insight into the importance of advocates who assist their clients to exercise their right to challenge a deprivation of liberty.

Interests Outside of Work

Jane is a keen swimmer and likes to go wild swimming, weather permitting. She likes to unwind at the weekend by going for walks in the countryside and has recently taught herself to crochet. Jane’s biggest passion is reading, and she aspires to writing a novel one day. 

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