It’s been widely reported that a military officer with 26 years of service was the victim of derogatory and insulting remarks during a consultation with a civilian panel advising the Ministry of Defence on his Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) claim.
The officer involved was the victim of a bomb blast in Afghanistan in 2009. The incident apparently happened when microphones were left live during a 10-minute recess in an online meeting. It was reported that they suggested that the officer ‘did not look like [he’d] had a blast injury’ and that they also laughed and said “He’s Welsh. He doesn’t understand why he is here. He can’t be that intelligent given he doesn’t know why he’s here.”
Other comments from the panel allegedly included that he was “kicking a can down the road” and “if he knows what’s best, he should withdraw the claim”.
This would not only be clearly distressing for the victim but it calls into question previous decisions which have been made and could now be challenged as a result.
The Head of Military Claims at Simpson Millar said “It is a common occurrence for service personnel to be under compensated for their injuries. We at Simpson Millar can ensure that with the appropriate legal advice those who have served their country can be justly compensated for their injuries acquired in serving their country.”
The President of the Chambers has since contacted the officer and apologised for what he called an “unfortunate incident”. He said “I very much regret what has occurred and apologise for an offence caused to you…it sounds, from what I have been told so far that we have fallen short”
The injured officer said the comments had left him “deflated, shocked and appalled” and with “absolutely no trust or respect for the process”.
Understandably the officer felt belittled by the system that was designed to help people like him receive payments for their suffering and future health care needs. The Telegraph says that the AFCS has been plagued by complaints and delays, with critics stating that “injured soldiers have been laughed at and belittled by officials”.