No Follow-up Appointments for Aintree Hospital’s Gastroenterology Patients
Nearly 10,000 patients haven’t been given follow-up appointments at Aintree Hospital’s gastroenterology department over the last six years.
Solicitor, Medical Negligence
Our client underwent surgery to reposition an undescended testicle when he was 2 years old but during the procedure, the surgeons failed to protect his left inferior epigastric artery, which was cut by mistake. The central allegation was that the treating surgeons did not take the appropriate steps to prevent serious injury by identifying and protecting the left inferior epigastric artery, resulting in it being cut.
The artery being cut resulted in major vascular complications for our client, leading to an ischaemic injury which compromised the development of his left leg. He also suffered significant scarring as a result of subsequent surgery that was required to repair the damaged artery.
An ischaemic injury occurs when blood supply to an area or tissue is cut off, causing major trauma to the area. The ischaemic changes to his left leg caused it to grow at a much slower rate and our client had to undergo surgery to remove the growth plate inserted in his right leg to limit its growth and to allow his left leg to grow to a matching length. This has resulted in a significant leg length discrepancy and he requires a 1.7cm shoe raise in one side.
The vascular damage also caused his left foot to be smaller than his right foot, and he suffered damage to both nerve and muscles in his left leg. This causes intermittent pain when walking which limits his ability to carry out his daily activities. Sadly, this is likely to be permanent and our client could require additional surgery in the future, and interventions for the rest of his life.
Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Undescended Testicle. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/undescended-testicle/symptoms-causes/syc-20351995
Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Inferior Epigastric Artery. Retrieved from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/23945-inferior-epigastric-artery
ScienceDirect. (n.d.). Ischemic Injury. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/ischemic-injury
NHS Resolution. (n.d.). Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice. Retrieved from https://resolution.nhs.uk/services/claims-management/clinical-schemes/general-practice-indemnity/clinical-negligence-scheme-for-general-practice/
NHS Resolution. (2023, July 13). Collaboration continues to cut costs and resolve cases without the need for litigation. Retrieved from https://resolution.nhs.uk/2023/07/13/collaboration-continues-to-cut-costs-and-resolve-cases-without-need-for-litigation/
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