Asbestosis Compensation Claims

For free legal advice call our Personal Injury Solicitors and we will help you. Most claims are dealt with on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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Our specialist Industrial Disease Solicitors can help you claim compensation for asbestosis so you can get the care, support and rehabilitation you need.

We offer a free claims assessment and legal advice. One of our expert Solicitors can help you understand if you can make a claim. We handle most asbestosis claims on a No Win, No Fee basis - just ask us for details.

Our team of specialist Solicitors have a successful track record in securing compensation for people exposed to asbestos at work. Even if the company responsible for your exposure to asbestos is no longer trading, we can still help you claim compensation. We can also advise you on what state benefits you can apply for after your asbestosis diagnosis.

Get in touch with our Industrial Disease Solicitors for a free claims assessment and legal advice, and we’ll talk through your situation and how we can help you.

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How Can Simpson Millar Help You?

  • Specialist Industrial Disease Solicitors

    We have an expert team of Solicitors who are specialists in getting clients with asbestosis compensation

  • Expert Help and Support

    We have close links with patient organisations, charities and consultants who can help you live with your condition following your diagnosis

  • No Hidden Costs

    You won’t be hit with any surprise costs at any stage of your claim

  • Easy to Understand

    We’ll always make sure you understand exactly what is happening throughout your claim by speaking in straightforward, easy to understand language. We won’t use legal jargon

  • Sensitive to Your Needs

    We know that making an asbestosis claim can be upsetting for you and your family. We’ll be sensitive to your feelings and wishes throughout your claim

  • A Settlement You Deserve

    We’ll get you the asbestosis compensation you deserve, and we’ll do all we can to get that settlement for you as soon as possible

What Can I Claim Compensation For?

Any compensation award is calculated depending on how serious your condition is and the pain and suffering you’ve gone through already and what you’ll go through in the future. This is called General Damages.

You can also be awarded Special Damages. Special Damages reflect the financial impact of your asbestosis. You may not be able to go back to work at all or only work reduced hours, which can affect you and your family.

You may also need home care and assistance, medical treatment which can be expensive. We’ll calculate everything you’ll need and include this in our valuation of your claim.

Your asbestosis compensation payout should put you back in the financial position you’d have been in if you hadn’t been diagnosed with the condition.

What’s the Claims Process?


    Free Claim Assessment

    If we take on your case after your free claims assessment, we’ll obtain a copy of your medical records, as well as details of your working history


    Expert Reports

    We’ll arrange for you to be assessed by an independent medical expert, who’ll put together a report outlining your condition and possible treatment recommendations. We may also need to get additional expert reports about adaptations to your home or aids you may need to help manage your condition


    Letter of Claim

    We’ll send a letter to the other side, and they’ll have up to 3 months to carry out their own investigation


    Evidence of Your Losses

    Your Industrial Disease Solicitor will search for evidence to prove your financial losses. These include loss of income, medical expenses, care and services costs and other costs or losses you’ve had because of asbestosis


    Interim Payments

    If the other side admits partial or full responsibility, we can apply for Interim Payments of compensation. This means you could access the care, support and rehabilitation you need, and cover urgent costs such as regular household expenses, without waiting for the case to settle



    We’ll do all we can to negotiate a settlement as soon as possible, but if the other side doesn’t accept responsibility for your illness initially, we can bring Court proceedings as we continue attempts to secure an out of Court settlement.

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FAQs about Asbestosis Claims

Asbestosis is a serious lung condition caused by breathing in asbestos dust and fibres over an extended time, causing scarring and a thickening of the lung tissue.

This can lead to symptoms including:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent coughs
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Wheezing
  • Chest and shoulder pain
  • Severe asbestosis can also cause swollen fingertips.

Asbestosis can be caused by significant exposure to asbestos over a few years or prolonged exposure to asbestos over a longer period. Because of the nature of asbestosis, it can be many years after the harmful asbestos exposure that you start showing symptoms.

There’s no cure for asbestosis, but our Industrial Disease Solicitors can help you claim compensation so you can access vital treatment to ease your symptoms. This can include oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation exercises.

In England and Wales, you must make an asbestosis claim within 3 years of your diagnosis. If you’re claiming on behalf of a family member who’s died, you must claim within 3 years of the date they passed away.

Because of strict time limits, you should contact a specialist Industrial Disease Solicitor as soon as possible. This means we can start investigating your claim immediately and should mean that it’s easier to get witness statements from other people.

Asbestosis claims are often funded through a No Win, No Fee agreement, known as a Conditional Fee Agreement. If your claim is not successful then you don’t pay any fees.

Get in touch, today!

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