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Children’s Rights Lawyers have urged politicians to reconsider their decision not to provide additional protection to young people and children in care by adding ‘care experience’ as a protected characteristic.
The call to action comes ahead of a debate which is being held by the Senedd, further to the Welsh Government’s response to the Children, Young People and Education Committee (CYPEC) report entitled “If not now, then when? Radical reform for care-experienced children and young people”.
Published in May 2023, the report made a series of recommendations to improve the experience of looked after children in Wales, including an overhaul of ‘Before Care’, ‘In Care’ and ‘After Care’ services.
Changes included placing a legal duty on local authorities to calculate maximum safe caseloads for children’s services social workers, mandating all foster carers to register directly with Social Care Wales, and extending the threshold for statutory support provided to all care leavers from 21 to 25.
But, while the Welsh Government has reiterated its ‘steadfast’ commitment to delivering its vision for transforming children’s services in Wales, leading legal experts have raised concerns about some of the key recommendations made by the Committee which have only partially been accepted or have been rejected – including adding ‘care experience’ as a protected characteristic.
Senedd. (2023, May 24). Summary Report - If not now then when. https://business.senedd.wales/documents/s136968/Summary%20Report%20-%20If%20not%20now%20then%20when%20-%2024%20May%202023.pdf
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