Simpson Millar Supports White Ribbon Day

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Hywel Thomas Profile Picture
Hywel Thomas

Senior Associate Solicitor, Abuse

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25 November is White Ribbon Day, a global awareness day organised by the UK’s leading charity engaging men and boys in ending violence against women and girls, White Ribbon.

White Ribbon Day is all about ending men’s violence against women. The website speaks about how common gender-based violence and inequality is in the UK. First formed in 2004, the global day, and the organisation, focuses on trying to prevent the violence of men against women and girls.

At Simpson Millar, a lot of the work our team of abuse solicitors do is with abuse victims, in all sorts of situations, but we represent a lot of female clients who suffered abuse at the hands of men. That’s why this campaign is important and relevant to us.

We aim to be a safe space in our discussions, offering support and advice to our clients, On the mental health side of things, we are able to point clients in the right direction, so they can find specialised support groups, therapy and organisations, among other resources.

In this article, we’ve outlined our thoughts on the campaign as well as how you can show your support. Read on to find out more.

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The Importance of White Ribbon Day

As Domestic Abuse Solicitors, we feel strongly about the message of the White Ribbon Day campaign. We sadly see the impact of both physical and emotional abuse regularly when speaking with our clients and we know how devastating it can be.

This year’s White Ribbon Day follows concerns raised by domestic abuse campaigners, including the singer Mel B, that the issue of domestic violence has moved down the agenda during the times of “economic chaos” we’re facing.

The main thing is, we should be trying to prevent this violence and abuse from happening, and we can’t do this without raising awareness – meaning we couldn’t do it without global days and organisations like White Ribbon Day. And we can only work towards preventing abuse and violence against women and girls by empowering victims to speak up about their experiences. It may be daunting and scary, but it’s worth it in the long run.

And it’s important to realise that a lot of people are speaking up these days, and they are reporting their experiences more and more. This shows the impact that campaigns and organisations like White Ribbon Day are having, empowering people to speak out.

If you’re a survivor of sexual abuse or violence, we’re here to back you up the whole way. We can provide help and support to you along the way, helping you build a case for compensation and directing you to the right resources to provide mental health support.


How Can I Show my Support for White Ribbon Day?

White Ribbon Day is the first day of a 16-day campaign of action to promote healthy relationships and gender equity, so how can you get involved?

Organisers are asking for White Ribbon Day to be marked in workplaces, schools, sports clubs and within communities.

There are digital resources available to download on the White Ribbon website that we’d encourage you to use to inform others and spread the word. You can use the hashtag #TheGoal to raise awareness of White Ribbon Day online and show your support by wearing a white ribbon.

It’s a great idea to post about White Ribbon Day on social media to raise awareness about the campaign and the movement, especially using the right hashtags so your post can gain traction online. In addition, on this day, check on your family and friends.

It’s important to remember that people may be scared about reporting or talking about sexual abuse or violence. So, make sure your female friends and family are doing OK, and talk about the movement with them so you can both spread the word and ensure everyone around you is safe and well in their current situation.

If you’re concerned about someone who you think could be experiencing domestic violence, the charity recommends calling the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline for help and advice about how to approach the situation.

If You’re a Survivor

Sexual violence and abuse against women and girls can leave victims with severe trauma and long-lasting mental health struggles. It can leave victims feeling alone and lost, unable to talk to anyone out of fear or because they’ve been silenced by an abuser. This is even more likely to happen in events of gender-based sexual violence or abuse.

If this has happened to you, you need to know that there is a massive support network of people you can talk to about your experience of sexual violence or abuse. Whether it’s friends or family, or a number you can call anonymously for help and support, someone is always there to listen to you. Sometimes, just getting something off your chest can really help, and it can be the first step towards getting help and dealing with what happened to you.

Speaking up can also help future victims, and maybe even getting justice for what happened to you. If you talk about your experiences, and if you report what happened to you, you can potentially help future victims of the person who abused you. In addition, you’ll be empowering other women and girls, and making sure that they know they can come forward, too. Either way, if you speak out, you’ll be helping both yourself and other women and girls.

The #MeToo movement hasn’t ended – it started an important movement towards speaking out about difficult experiences. And, as well as speaking up and reporting your experiences, it’s also important to get the mental health help and advice you need. You may have PTSD, or you could be struggling with other mental health problems, and the best way of dealing with this is getting mental health support, either through therapy or support groups, or other methods.

If you’re a victim of sexual abuse or violence, you can get in touch with our approachable and sensitive team of sexual assault solicitors. We will help you make a claim for the compensation you deserve.

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Hywel Thomas Profile Picture

Hywel Thomas

Senior Associate Solicitor, Abuse

Areas of Expertise:
Abuse Claims

With a background in Personal Injury Claims and Criminal Injury Compensation Claims, Hywel started specialising in Abuse Claims in 2001. Over the years, he has seen the area of abuse law evolve, presenting new challenges and learning opportunities. He has tackled cases against diverse groups, from local authorities to private schools, charities, medical organisations, and even individuals.

His passion for understanding psychological injuries led him to this area of Law.  Hywel's work extends beyond seeking financial compensation for his clients; he focuses on helping victims and survivors access support, making a real difference in their healing process. He values each client's unique motivations, ensuring they achieve what they desire through the legal process.


White Ribbon UK. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from

NHS. (n.d.). Help after rape and sexual assault. Retrieved from

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). (n.d.). Effects of Sexual Violence. Retrieved from

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