How to Claim Compensation for Sexual Exploitation

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Joshua Hurst

Associate Solicitor, Abuse

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When you first contact Simpson Millar, our dedicated enquiries team will discuss the initial details of your claim. You’ll then be allocated a specialist Abuse Claims Solicitor, and we will send you a questionnaire to complete with details about your claim. We can help you complete the questionnaire if you would prefer assistance. There are strict time limits for making a claim so you will need to get advice as soon as possible.

One of our specialist advisors will then meet with you to take further details about what has happened and put the details into a statement. We can also provide you with advice about how to report the exploitation to the police.

For free legal advice get in touch with our Abuse Solicitors. Ask about Legal Aid or if we can deal with your claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

two people shaking hands

Get in touch today!

To see how we can help you claim compensation for sexual exploitation, get in touch with our friendly and compassionate team.

What is Sexual Exploitation?

Sexual exploitation is a form of sexual abuse. It occurs where an individual and/or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a person into sexual activity. The power imbalance can be due to a range of factors such as gender, physical strength, or access to economic or other resources.

Someone can be sexually exploited in many different ways, including:

  • Sexual assault
  • Forced to perform or witness sexual acts

Forced to watch or take part in pornography

Signs of Sexual Exploitation

If you’re concerned that someone is suffering from sexual exploitation, there are some signs to look out for. Everyone is different, so it’s important to understand that signs may show differently in each person. While this list isn’t exhaustive, it will give you an idea of what to look out for.

  • Evidence of sexual assault
  • Excessive phone calls or texts
  • Inappropriate behaviour
  • Developing an inappropriate relationship
  • Noticeable difference in emotional wellbeing
  • Isolated from friends or family

Does There Have to be Physical Contact?

Sexual exploitation does not always involve physical contact; it can also occur without the person’s immediate knowledge i.e., through the use of technology.

Sexual abuse may involve physical contact including assault or non-contact activities, such as the production of sexual images or forcing someone to act in a sexually inappropriate way.

The exploitation usually occurs in exchange for something such as needs or wants and can include tangible (i.e., money or alcohol) and intangible rewards (i.e. perceived receipt of love or affection).

close up of a woman looking sad

Can I Claim Compensation?

If you have experienced sexual exploitation, you may be able to claim compensation. While compensation won’t change what happened or make it right, it could help you to cope with any injuries that you suffered.

When it comes to claiming compensation, you have some options available to you, such as making a civil claim or claiming through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). The CICA is a scheme that helps survivors of sexual exploitation to secure the compensation that they deserve.

If you decide to make a claim, we at Simpson Millar can help offer some support and advice on your options.

Who Can I Make a Claim Against?

When a person has used their position to abuse a person, an abuse claim may be brought against the organisation that employed that individual.

A claim may also be brought against the individual who abused you and we will consider whether this is possible in your case. We’ll send a letter to the organisation and/or individual setting out the details of your claim.

They will then investigate your claim and let us know whether they accept responsibility.

We will also advise you regarding your eligibility for Criminal Injuries Compensation which is a government funded scheme set up to compensate innocent victims of violent crime.

What Evidence Will be Required?

Your Abuse Claims Solicitor will need to instruct an expert to prepare a report detailing the injuries you’ve suffered as a result of the abuse. In the majority of cases, your Solicitor will need to obtain a report either from a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist to establish the psychological effects of the abuse.

The expert will need to consider all of your records, including information from medical organisations, Local Authorities, schools and the police. The expert will consider your records and meet with you to discuss what happened and how the abuse affected you. They’ll then prepare a report detailing their opinion.

If you make a claim through the CICA, it must have first been reported to the police and certain time limits do apply for when you should submit the application by, which we will be able to advise you about.

How Much Compensation Will I Receive?

Once we’ve obtained medical evidence in your case, your Abuse Claims Solicitor may instruct a Barrister who will advise on your case. They’ll consider the value of your case and whether it is likely to be successful.

As every case is different, there is no way of knowing how much compensation that you may be awarded and we will only be able to value your case once medical evidence is obtained.

Will I Have to Go to Court?

Most abuse cases are settled without the need to go to Court. If agreement cannot be reached, your case may have to be decided in Court by a Judge. We will guide you through your case at every step.

How Will I Pay for My Case?

We’ll assess whether you’re eligible for Legal Aid, which depends on your financial circumstances. If you don’t qualify for Legal Aid, we may be able to deal with your case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

How Long Will My Claim Take?

As every case is different, there is no way to know just how long the claim may take.

If your case is complex, it may take longer than usual. But our helpful team of Sexual Assault Solicitors will be there to help you every step of the way, by making sure that you are in the loop about every step that is taken in relation to your claim.

Start a Claim with Us

If you’re a victim of sexual exploitation, you may be able to claim compensation for what you’ve been through. While it won’t put it right, it can help you move on with your claim and pay for the treatment you need to help with your symptoms.

We understand that speaking with someone about sexual exploitation can be difficultOur friendly team is here to help you and listen to you at your pace, so if you ever need to take a break from  a call or an appointment with us, just let us know.

Support for Survivors of Sexual Exploitation

If you have experienced sexual exploitation, while compensation will help you through injuries or loss of earnings, you may also be looking for help and support. There are plenty of charities and organisations that may be able to help you.

Here are some of the best organisations in the UK:


Criminal Injuries. (n.d.). Compensation for child sexual abuse | Payout claims calculator. [online] Available at: (n.d.). Sexual abuse support. [online] Available at:

Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership. (n.d.). Sexual exploitation. [online] Available at:

Cica-criminal-injury. (n.d.). Compensation levels for victims of rape and sexual assault. [online] Available at:

CICA UK. (n.d.). Sexual Abuse Compensation | Sexual Abuse Claims. [online] Available at:

Cica. (2020). Can I claim compensation for historical sexual abuse? [online] Available at:

NHS (2021). Help after rape and sexual assault. [online] Available at:

Joshua Hurst

Associate Solicitor, Abuse

Areas of Expertise:
Abuse Claims

Joshua works as an Associate Solicitor in our Abuse Department, which operates under the leadership of Liam Goggin.

Joshua has been with Simpson Millar since 2019, where he started as a Paralegal in the Abuse Department, a role he stayed in for two years. His dedication and drive then led him to a position as a Trainee Solicitor, where he worked in the Industrial Disease and Military Claims Departments. His passion for representing victims of abuse made him return to the Abuse department, where he completed his training contract and began working as a Solicitor.

He takes immense pride in representing victims of abuse, deeply valuing the trust his clients place in him. Every day, he's reminded of the importance of listening attentively, acting in the clients' best interests, and guiding them through their challenging moments. Ever since he began his legal career, Joshua knew he wanted to help represent victims of abuse. It means a lot to him when clients trust him with their stories and cases. His main goal is to help his clients as much as he can, so they can start to heal and move on.

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